Dr. Calel Butler’s Sermons on Sermon Audio
A Prayer for the Coming of Christ’s Kingdom: An exposition of Psalm 67
Do Not Be Weary of Well Doing: A sermon on Galatians 6:9 and 1 Kings 19 on not wearying in doing good and taking the example of Elijah when he grew weary and fled from the face of Jezebel.
Demon Possession: A sermon that systematically sets forth what the Scriptures teach about demon possession, the nature of demoniacs, exorcism, and related issues.
Fishers of Men: A presbytery sermon preached at Presbytery on September 24, 2005. It deals with the fact that only God can make us fishers of men, that God in his sovereignty determines how he uses the testimony of the church, and that all we can do is faithfully proclaim his word. It deals with the spiritual state of America, the requirements for any national reformation, and the future prospects for the American Presbyterian Church.